ROI BizTalk is co-hosted by Jonathan H. Lack, Principal of ROI Ventures, LLC and Wogbe Ofori, Principal of 360APPROACH.
Jonathan H. Lack Wogbe Ofori
The mission of ROI BizTalk is to help small businesses manage through the challenges they face as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, sector trends and their own management challenges. The genesis of ROI BizTalk is based on Jonathan H. Lack's book Turn Your Company Around in 90 Days. The book is a compilation of over 20 years of business experiences in which either he or his clients faced a number of challenges that business school had not totally prepared him for. As he developed a speciality in strategic planning for small and mid-cap businesses, Lack came to the realization that individual learning is not sufficient eought for an organization to thrive in today's business environment. Rather, a key critical success factor today is collective learning. Hence, the tagline for ROI Biz Talk is Collective Learning. Individual Growth & Prosperity.
Wogbe's extensive manaement consulting experience is a perfect compliemnt to Jonathan's. The two met a little over a year ago and are always collectivel learning. They want to do the same for other entrepreneurs and executives. They are not playing the role of business coaches. Rather, they view themselves as your trianing partners through these challenging times. The first series, entitled How to Take a Punch will entail four sessions focusing on key areas every entrepreneur and executive need to focus on during difficult economic challenges which are covered extensively in Jonathan's book:
The first session - Cash is King - Count Pennies and the Dollars Will Follow, focusses on how to better manage cash flow. This first session will occur via a zoom meeting on Thursday, August 20th, 9 am CDT.
The second session will focus on Better Managing Your Operations. Thursday, August 27th, 9 am CDT.
The third sesson will focuss on Better Managing Your Sales & Marketing. Thursday, September 3rd, 9 am CDT.
The fourth session of this first series will focus on Better Managing Yourself, Your Staff and Your Investors. Thursday, September 10th, 9 am CDT.
Each zoom session will go for a total of 40 minutes. Jonathan and Wogbe will talk for 15 minutes and spened the remaining time addressing questions. They will be offering additional series throughout the year covering topics pertinent to small businesses. These sessions are by invitation only to ROI and 360 Approach clients. To participate in these sessions please email info@roibiztalk.com.